InStep Technologies

Cisco Tech Blog


The client sought to optimize its online platform to improve user experience and drive higher conversion rates. Recognizing the importance of data-driven insights, they decided to invest in web analytics integration to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and website performance.


• Website Transition from ReactJS to CMS
• Technology stack comprising PHP and WordPress, complemented by various JavaScript libraries
• Utilize plugins like WP Rocket, Yoast SEO, and others to enhance website capabilities
• Incorporated Segment and Analytics
• Leveraged Bootstrap 4.2.1 as the UI framework


  • Lack of comprehensive data: TechBlog had basic analytics tools in place but lacked a unified platform to gather comprehensive data on user interactions, from initial website visits to purchase transactions.
  • Limited insights: Existing analytics solutions provided surface-level metrics but failed to deliver actionable insights to drive strategic decision-making.
  • Performance concerns: The Client noticed occasional slowdowns in website loading times and sought to identify and address the underlying causes to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.


  • We conducted a thorough assessment of TechBlog’s existing analytics infrastructure and identified areas for improvement. We identified performance indicators (KPIs) and goals aligned with the business objectives.
  • Based on the assessment findings and requirements, our team recommended implementing a comprehensive analytics platform that offered advanced tracking capabilities, real-time reporting, and customizable dashboards.
  • We integrated the chosen analytics platform with the website, ensuring accurate tracking of user interactions across all pages and devices. We configured custom event tracking to capture specific user actions, such as Log-ins, Button clicks, and others.
  • With the analytics platform in place, the website gained access to a wealth of data on user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion funnels.