InStep Technologies

Cisco Panoptica Academy

Cisco Panoptica Academy


The website has been meticulously designed and developed from the ground up, in close association with Panoptica, to provide users with an exceptional platform. It offers a unique opportunity for individuals to enroll in expertly crafted courses, meticulously curated to enhance and fortify their cloud infrastructure. Our courses provide you with the tools, insights, and skills needed to navigate this dynamic realm with confidence.

Key Features

  • Module 1: Cloud Security Video Reels
  • Module 2: Full Course Modules
  • Module 3: Red Team Modules


The website, developed in collaboration with Panoptica, has been intricately crafted to offer users an outstanding platform. It presents a distinctive chance for individuals to enroll in meticulously designed courses aimed at strengthening their cloud infrastructure expertise. Our courses furnish users with the necessary tools, insights, and skills to navigate the dynamic realm of cloud technology confidently.


• Figma creation
• Complete Web Design And Development
• Segment And Analytics
• Website Optimization
• Third Party plug-in Integrations
• Digital Marketing
• SEO Search
• Maintainance


  • What client wanted was a hybrid technology i.e wordpress with ReactJS and that too was to be delivered in a tight timeline.
  • Integration of Analytics was a must.
  • One major challenge was to improve the website speed and performance.
  • Third party plug-in integrations were supposed to be incorporated.


  • At the client’s request, we developed the website using hybrid technology to ensure flawless performance and improved platform efficiency. The client preferred a lighter website without compromising on functionality or performance.
  • We adopted agile project management methodologies. We divided the project into smaller, manageable tasks and set clear milestones to track progress.
  • By prioritizing essential tracking parameters and utilizing automation tools where possible, we streamlined the integration process and met the project deadline successfully.
  • We thoroughly tested each plugin to ensure compatibility with the WordPress environment and existing website components
  • We streamlined analytics integration by utilizing Google Tag Manager to centralize tracking codes and manage configurations, ensuring accurate data collection and leveraging Google Analytics for valuable insights into user behavior and website performance.